100 Irregular Verbs You Must Know In 2024

Nirav Gohel
5 min readApr 1, 2024


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Here’s a list of 100 irregular verbs with their base form, past simple (irregular) form, and examples:

  • Be — was/were
  • She was tired yesterday.
  • Have — had
  • He had a great time at the party.
  • Do — did
  • What did you do last weekend?
  • Say — said
  • She said she would come early.
  • Go — went
  • They went to the beach last summer.
  • Get — got
  • I got a new job.
  • Make — made
  • She made a delicious cake.
  • Know — knew
  • I knew the answer to the question.
  • Think — thought
  • What did you think about the movie?
  • Take — took
  • He took the bus to work.
  • See — saw
  • I saw a shooting star last night.
  • Come — came
  • They came to visit us last month.
  • Want — wanted
  • She wanted to go to the concert.
  • Look — looked
  • She looked beautiful in that dress.
  • Use — used
  • Do you use a laptop for work?
  • Find — found
  • I found my keys under the bed.
  • Give — gave
  • He gave me a gift for my birthday.
  • Tell — told
  • She told me an interesting story.
  • Work — worked
  • He worked hard to finish the project.
  • Call — called
  • I called her but she didn’t answer.
  • Try — tried
  • Have you tried sushi before?
  • Ask — asked
  • She asked me a question.
  • Need — needed
  • We needed more time to finish.
  • Feel — felt
  • How did you feel after the exam?
  • Become — became
  • He became a doctor after years of study.
  • Leave — left
  • She left early because she was tired.
  • Put — put
  • He put the book on the shelf.
  • Mean — meant
  • What did you mean by that?
  • Keep — kept
  • He kept the secret for years.
  • Let — let
  • She let me borrow her car.
  • Begin — began
  • They began the meeting without me.
  • Seem — seemed
  • It seemed like a good idea at the time.
  • Help — helped
  • Can you help me with my homework?
  • Talk — talked
  • They talked for hours on the phone.
  • Turn — turned
  • He turned off the lights before leaving.
  • Start — started
  • She started a new job last week.
  • Show — showed
  • She showed me her new phone.
  • Hear — heard
  • I heard a strange noise last night.
  • Play — played
  • They played football in the park.
  • Run — ran
  • He ran a marathon last year.
  • Move — moved
  • They moved to a new city for work.
  • Like — liked
  • She liked the movie they watched.
  • Live — lived
  • They lived in Paris for a year.
  • Believe — believed
  • I believed in her abilities.
  • Hold — held
  • He held her hand tightly.
  • Bring — brought
  • She brought a gift to the party.
  • Happen — happened
  • What happened to your car?
  • Write — wrote
  • She wrote a letter to her friend.
  • Provide — provided
  • The company provided excellent service.
  • Stand — stood
  • They stood in line for tickets.
  • Lose — lost
  • He lost his keys somewhere.
  • Pay — paid
  • She paid for the groceries at the store.
  • Meet — met
  • They met at the café for lunch.
  • Include — included
  • The package included a gift card.
  • Continue — continued
  • They continued working despite the noise.
  • Set — set
  • She set the table for dinner.
  • Learn — learned/learnt
  • He learned a new language.
  • Change — changed
  • She changed her hairstyle.
  • Understand — understood
  • Do you understand the instructions?
  • Watch — watched
  • They watched a movie last night.
  • Follow — followed
  • He followed the instructions carefully.
  • Stop — stopped
  • She stopped talking when he entered.
  • Create — created
  • She created a masterpiece.
  • Speak — spoke
  • He spoke eloquently at the conference.
  • Read — read
  • She read a book in one sitting.
  • Allow — allowed
  • They allowed pets in the apartment.
  • Add — added
  • She added sugar to her coffee.
  • Spend — spent
  • He spent his vacation traveling.
  • Grow — grew
  • The tree grew tall in the garden.
  • Open — opened
  • She opened the door and walked in.
  • Walk — walked
  • They walked along the beach at sunset.
  • Win — won
  • She won first place in the competition.
  • Offer — offered
  • He offered her a ride home.
  • Remember — remembered
  • I remembered his birthday this year.
  • Love — loved
  • She loved her family dearly.
  • Consider — considered
  • They considered all options before deciding.
  • Develop — developed
  • The company developed a new product.
  • Carry — carried
  • She carried the groceries home.
  • Reach — reached
  • They reached the summit of the mountain.
  • Stop — stopped
  • They stopped at the red light.
  • Expect — expected
  • We expected better results.
  • Explain — explained
  • He explained the concept in detail.
  • Agree — agreed
  • They agreed to meet at the café.
  • Arrive — arrived
  • She arrived late to the party.
  • Talk — talked
  • They talked about their future plans.
  • Sing — sang
  • She sang beautifully at the concert.
  • Discuss — discussed
  • They discussed the project in the meeting.
  • Plan — planned
  • They planned their vacation itinerary.
  • Compare — compared
  • She compared prices before buying.
  • Need — needed
  • He needed help with his homework.
  • Miss — missed
  • She missed her flight due to traffic.
  • Stand — stood
  • They stood in silence during the ceremony.
  • Sleep — slept
  • He slept peacefully through the night.
  • Teach — taught
  • She taught English to the students.
  • Drive — drove
  • He drove carefully on the icy roads.
  • Buy — bought
  • She bought a new dress for the party.
  • Break — broke
  • He broke his leg in a skiing accident.
  • Send — sent
  • She sent an email to confirm the meeting.
  • Build — built
  • They built a sandcastle on the beach.
  • Sell — sold
  • She sold her old car for a good price.

These examples should help you understand how these irregular verbs are used in sentences, along with their past simple forms.



Nirav Gohel

Hey!! My Name is Nirav. I am form India. Since last 5 years I am sharing my IELTS Knowledge. I am available on YouTube, Android App, Instagram and TikTok