Conquer English Fluency: 8 Innovative Apps for Practice Speaking English

Nirav Gohel
3 min readMar 3, 2024


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Want to become a confident and fluent English speaker? The digital age holds incredible tools for language learners! A new wave of innovative apps for practice speaking English is transforming the way people achieve fluency.

The Power of Innovative Language Learning Apps

  • AI-Powered Feedback: Artificial intelligence is getting remarkably good at analyzing pronunciation and providing personalized guidance for improvement.
  • Gamification: Learning through play keeps you engaged, turning your practice into something fun rather than a chore.
  • Immersion Techniques: Apps bring the sounds and rhythms of real-world English to you, speeding up your mastery.
  • Niche Focus: There are now apps that specialize in business English, travel preparation, or even mastering specific accents.

8 Apps To Elevate Your English Speaking Skills

  1. English Listening and Speaking: This app emphasizes the powerful link between listening and speaking. Sharpen your listening comprehension with audio lessons, practice in realistic conversational scenarios, and even receive targeted feedback on your own speaking. (Get it on the Google Play Store:

2. Elsa Speak: Achieve a polished, clear accent with Elsa Speak’s AI-powered pronunciation coach. Get personalized feedback and exercises to master those tricky English sounds.

3. HelloTalk: Language exchange takes you out of the classroom! Chat with native English speakers for a relaxed, authentic practice environment.

4. Memrise: Vocabulary is essential for fluency. Memrise’s creative techniques help you learn and retain words in a fun and engaging way.

5. FluentU: Learn alongside native speakers! FluentU uses engaging videos like movie clips and news reports, accompanied by interactive subtitles and quizzes to build your comprehension and conversational skills.

6. Busuu: Busuu offers structured lessons, speaking exercises, and even the chance to get feedback from its community of native speakers.

7. Voscreen: Immerse yourself in the language through short video clips. Voscreen’s interactive exercises will boost your listening comprehension and fluency.

8. Lirica: Music lovers, this one is for you! Lirica helps you learn English through popular songs. Sing along with interactive lyrics and improve your pronunciation and vocabulary in a fun way.

Success Tips for Aspiring Fluent Speakers

  • Find Your Fun: If you enjoy the process, you’re far more likely to stick with it!
  • Little and Often: Brief daily practice is more impactful than long, irregular sessions.
  • Set Specific Goals: Do you want to give presentations in English or make travel easier? Targeting your practice yields faster results.
  • Celebrate Progress: Language learning is a journey. Acknowledge your milestones to stay motivated!

Choosing the Best Applications for Speaking English

Consider where you are on your fluency journey:

  • 初心者: Structured lessons and vocabulary builders are key (Busuu, Memrise)
  • Intermediate: Conversational practice is crucial (HelloTalk, Lirica)
  • Advanced: Niche focus apps let you polish specific skills (Elsa Speak, for business scenarios)

Unlock Your English Potential

Language learning is an exciting and empowering process. These innovative apps put the power in your hands, helping you speak English fluently and confidently. Now go explore, practice, and discover the joy of mastering a new language!



Nirav Gohel

Hey!! My Name is Nirav. I am form India. Since last 5 years I am sharing my IELTS Knowledge. I am available on YouTube, Android App, Instagram and TikTok